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Pris 6-Mar-10
Visiteurs 113


3-H-102 Eurocopter SA316B Alouette III MSN 1623, Armada Argentina - 100308-N-4774B-056
ATLANTIC OCEAN (March 8, 2010) Sailors aboard the guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill (CG 52) secure an Argentine navy SA-316B Alouette III helicopter during deck landing qualifications. Bunker Hill is participating in Southern Seas 2010, a U.S. Southern Command-directed operation that provides U.S. and international forces the opportunity to operate in a multi-national environment. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Daniel Barker/Released)
NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D300, Flash non utilisé

Catégories et mots-clés
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Mots-clés :Argentina, Argentine Navy SA-316B Alouette III, Hélicoptère, Navy, Navy, U%dS%d Navy, U%dS> Souther Command, USS Bunker Hill (CG 52), helicopter, people